Step-by-Step Setup Instructions:
Step 1:
Configuring NTRIP for the TOP608BT RTK GNSS Receiver using an Android device. Please follow this detailed step-by-step instruction guide.
Step 2:
Connect the TOP608BT RTK GNSS Receiver to a Windows 10/11 laptop by plugging in the USB connector. The device will be automatically recognized by Windows 10/11 without requiring any driver installation. For more information, please refer to this forum topic.
Congratulations! Your RTK GNSS receiver has been successfully set up. The highly accurate location data from the RTK GNSS receiver is now ready to be utilized by applications on your Windows 10/11 laptop.
We have tested the below Bluetooth RTK GPS/GNSS receivers
work with this instruction.
If you’re looking for a GPS / GNSS Receiver above, you can purchase it from: (US & WorldWide) (Canada)