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How to achieve the highest accuracy

Ok, so my rover has said 1.4 cm accuracy before, and then when I go to do a stakeout, my phone says that I am much more than 1.4 centimeters away when the rover is in an exact position I already have the coordinates for. In my case, I have the exact coordinates of a corner of asphalt in our office parking lot. So when I put these coordinates in to do a stakeout and arrive either at the point that I know the exact coordinates, or where the rover and my phone say that point is (whichever one I go to doesn't matter because it's beside the point) we are still anywhere between a half meter to over a meter away. How can I get more accurate so I know my rover is within a few centimeters of the actual target?

The precision of Rover is cm-level. However, the accuracy depends on the RTK Base. If the Base is cm-level, the accuracy of the Rover would also be cm-level, too. In your case, it seems that your RTK Base does not work with a good enough accuracy.

For Base, there are two ways to determine its accurate position, survey-in and known-coordinates.

  • If there is an accurate known point, enter the latitude, longitude, altitude into APP BLERTK for the RTK base.
  • If there is no known point, a survey-in is required. The survey-in accuracy could be set by APP BLERTK. The higher the accuracy, the longer the time is required to achieve that accuracy. The time length depends on the environment. Suggest to put the RTK Base at an open sky environment so that it could receive more satellites directly and converges to the specified accuracy sooner.
  • The default survey-in accuracy is 3m. This survey-in is fast and is good for relative precision use. For accurate use, please refer to above suggestions.
GPSWebShop Official and piercelatta have reacted to this post.
GPSWebShop Officialpiercelatta

So where in the settings of the base can I put in the coordinates if I have known positions?

please connect your GR-9028 to the BLERTK app and navigate to the "Base Source" menu.  You should see the "Fixed Position" option.

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