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How to change the update rate of the Navisys GR-M02 GNSS receiver?

The default update rate of the GR-M02 is 1 Hz, but you can change this setting to a different value, such as 10 Hz. I’ll guide you through the process with the steps below.

1. Download the NaviViewerAh tool from here.
2. Connect the GR-M02 to your Windows computer.
3. Double-click to run the NaviViewerAh tool. Select the COM port used by the GR-M02 and press the “Open Port” button.

4. Double-click the text console to enter command mode, where the screen will turn black.
5. Double-click the text console again, and it will prompt with $PAIR.
6. To display the current fix rate setting, enter the command $PAIR051. It will respond with two lines; the second line will show $PAIR051,1000*13. The “1000” in this line represents 1000ms, which corresponds to a 1 Hz rate.

7. To change the update rate to 10 Hz, enter command mode again and type the command $PAIR050,100. You should receive a response line $PAIR001,050,0*3E\r\n. The “0” after “050” indicates a successful update. You can also use the $PAIR051 command to verify the current update rate.

Detailed explanations of the above get and set commands for update rates can be found in the GR-M02 datasheet, specifically in sections 4.4.6 and 4.4.5. The datasheet also provides explanations for other commands, such as those for getting and setting individual NMEA sentence output rates (sections 4.4.12 and 4.4.11). Check it out!